Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears... No, really, I need a new one


Senor Zen seems to think I've been misdiagnosed. I called to tell him I wouldn't be able to dive for awhile because I'd torn my eardrum. He asked me to tell him exactly what happened.

SO... I went through the whole thing: last night and this morning the ear had this watery sound (like swimmer's ear). I went to the Instacare to get the wax blown out. While I waited for FORTY FIVE MINUTES the watery sound went away. I figured I'd have the doc look at anyway-- what they hey, better safe than sorry. The doc took 2 seconds and announced that it was a torn eardrum and said that it "explained the draining." When I said it hadn't been draining he told me he'd give me a prescription and that I should see a specialist.

That's when the doctor started trying to leave and didn't want any part of hearing my story or answering my questions. I left and promptly made an appointment with an ear, nose, and throat specialist.

Zen heard my story and told me it didn't sound like I'd torn my eardrum-- if so I'd have major drainage and pain, and I have neither. I'm guessing as an instructor he's seen a lot of ear-related complications.

SO-- I may yet dive again. Fingers crossed. Rub the Buddha ear. Genuflect. Say a little prayer...

1 comment:

  1. What!? It can't end like have to end with a triumphant post about what an amazing time you had on your tropical vacay. Not fair. Something seems fishy about your insta-care doc. You should totally take your camera to your specialist know...just to document the whole process. Oh yea, and you SO need one of those water proof cameras. Yes, the S stands for shopping....always.
