Thursday, January 22, 2009

First time in the water, part I

I did read the chapter. You tend to pay attention when a book say, "If you don't learn this, you will die." So I read it really thoroughly. Then I go to the dive shop and watch the video and take the quiz (100%, thank you!). Turns out the video repeats everything the book says.

I wonder if I will still die if I don't read Chapter 2 and just watch the video instead. I think I'll keep reading.

I can't make it to the regular lab, so Senor Zen, as I'm now calling my instructor, has made arrangements for "a few" of us to do an alternate lab.

Long story short: no one shows up at the pool but me, Sr. Zen, and Sr. Zen's party animal (but nice) male cousin. Personal attention, you say. Too much notice of my personal inadequacies, I say.

I have conned myself into investing mucho dinero in fins, snorkel, mask, and booties, so I'm all set. I suit up ("Please someone else show up, please, God, let someone else show up so I'm not alone") and sit by the pool with a bag of my brand new stuff. "What the _____ am I doing here?" I think. On one side curious moms and kids look at the arriving scuba gear and the odd freckled woman [me] waiting. On the other side old men in the lap pool look at us with disdain.

Is it too late to back out?

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