Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ready, Set...

I'm still on standby.

Chompin' at the bit. Ready, willing, and able. Locked and loaded.

No go.

Zen was sick last week and couldn't dive. This week he's in Mexico. I haven't been in the water for weeks!!

Got my dive skin from online. (a dive skin is basically spandex long johns-- you can also wear them alone if it's warm enough to not need a wet suit but you still want protection). Can I just say that dive skins do not hide any flaws? At all. In fact, they may be the least attractive clothing known to man... or to woman. At least the wetsuit kind of squished things in. I'm still deciding if fire coral and nibbling critters are enough of a motivating factor for me to put that thing on again. We'll see.

Speaking of critters, I got a random email from my aunt about a sting ray migration. You know, the kite-like guys that managed to take down a guy who played with crocodiles for fun. The migration was taking place in-- you guessed it-- the Gulf of Mexico.

The old irrational... make that semi-rational... make that completely understandable fears are creeping back in. I'm rather choosey about who or what nibbles on me... not that stingrays nibble, but you get my drift.
Time to get back in the water before I get myself worked up again.

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